How to set and achieve any goal you want in life

Are you 100% satisfied with the life you’ve got? Are you living life to your full potential? How do you define success? Do you consider yourself successful? You can only know if you have arrived at your destination if you know clearly what that destination is.

What does success mean to you?

Success means different things to different people. For some, owning their home is a sign of success while for others, achieving a certain income makes them successful. The unfortunate thing is that many people go through life borrowing someone else’s definition of success hence they do not know for sure whether they are successful or not.

Success begins with setting clear goals. I am at point A. Success to me means reaching point B. Once you know exactly what you want to achieve, then you come up with a road map about how you will move from point A to point B. You then invest in yourself to become the person who is able to achieve what you are aiming for.

Maybe you want to become a public speaker. You then invest in your self confidence, knowledge and other skills that are in line with public speaking. You put in hours every day into activities that are consistent with your goals. You might even invest in a public speaking course.

Unsuccessful people are those that have no clear goals in life. They follow the flow of things. They have no specific purpose in life. Life happens to them and they feel like victims.

Have you set goals for your life?

All accomplishment begins with a clear picture of what is to be achieved. To live a purposeful life, you need to first decide what you want to achieve in life. What is important to you? Maybe you want to make a difference in the lives of widows or orphans. Come up with a clear main purpose for your life then break it down into small targets.

“To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.” – Tony Dorsett

We are just about to begin the final quarter of the year 2018. This is the perfect time to evaluate your achievements so far and examine whether you are working towards your goals or not. Do you have clarity about what you want to achieve in life? What goals did you set for 2018? Are you on course?

What will it take to make your goals a reality?

Many people who are not living the life they desire for themselves don’t set goals. Others set goals but they have no accompanying plans and strategies to make those goals a reality. Little is going to change if you set goals to double your income in the next 12 months yet you do not come up with a clear blue print how that is going to happen.

Will you take up an extra job? Will you introduce a new product in your business and aggressively market it? Will you change your marketing strategies? How exactly will you achieve the increased income?

Transforming your life begins by setting clear goals and coming up with a road map how you are going to get there. “I am going to lose 5 kgs in the next 12 weeks” is a good goal. What strategies will you use to make that goal a reality? Will you jog every morning for 1 hour? Will you sign up for gym membership? Will you cut out specific foods from your diet and reduce the portions of food by a specific amount?


Identify the skills you will need to enable you achieve your goals and how you are going to attain those skills. Many people sabotage themselves by expecting to achieve big goals within an unrealistic period of time.

Are you ready to bring about change in your life?

You might not achieve much in a year or two, but with clearly defined goals, your life can be transformed tremendously in a decade. Whether you plan where you would like to be in 10 years or not, the time will pass anyhow. So if you are not 100% satisfied with the life you’ve got, it’s time to bring about change in your life through clarity.

“All successful people, men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day towards their distant vision, goal or purpose.” – Brian Tracy

For a limited period of time, I am giving away absolutely free one chapter of the Transform your skills into income in 90 days coaching manual. The chapter I am giving away covers goal setting in depth.


To receive your copy of the free chapter on goal setting, go to:  and book a free session. Indicate in your message that you want the free chapter on goal setting. This free chapter is a step-by-step guide on how to set goals.


Financial Independence Africa

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