Susan Catherine Keter Enterprises is an entrepreneurship business established in Kenya in 2018 to provide support to upcoming women entrepreneurs and startups who are working in the helping professions so that they can achieve their full potential as helpers to those who need their services.
Why transformational life coaching for upcoming entrepreneurs and startups? Knowledge and tools for business are changing fast. The role played by information technology and challenges of pandemics such as COVID-19 has changed the format and approach to business.
Our business was established to provide this stop gap and capacity building to women helping women initiative; mother to mother, sister to sister. We work with them to improve their capacity to address issues that sabotage them, hindering them from realizing their full potential.
What issues sabotage women in their careers? Deep rooted cultural, religious and family beliefs and practices that condition women that they are inferior to their male counterparts, emotional trauma, cost of training, and flexibility to address constraints of stay at home-moms.
We address the effects of upbringing, culture and religion, trauma suffered in childhood or as adults, critical life skills, knowledge, tools and resources to become an effective worker.
The women who go through our coaching programs include child mentors and carers, nurses, psychologists, tutors, teachers, pastors, Sunday school teachers, guidance and counselling teachers, community workers, beauty therapists, fitness trainers, entrepreneurs and so on.
These are critical helpers even in times of crisis such as during COVID-19 pandemic, where women played a greater role as helpers and carers of the ill family members.
Women also play a big role when facing crisis in the family such as conflicts or illness, when resolving substance abuse or behaviour challenges among teenage or young adult children, when addressing gender based violence and other forms of violations at home or community level.
We provide training on tools to help women in the helping processes, first to heal and empower themselves so that they are better equipped to address the needs of others.
We provide training and capacity development through coaching, mentorship and training, as well as support through different social media platforms.
We empower women in the helping professions to offer a listening ear to their clients without giving unsolicited advice. We guide, train and provide knowledge and skills. We coach and mentor in order to achieve transformation in the inner person.
Women are known to easily open up to other women about their day to day struggles. They easily share their struggles with their hairdresser or beautician.
Unfortunately, sharing with someone who lacks even basic helping skills often ends up doing more harm than good as a result of mishandling. That is why we equip women in the helping professions to be able to provide effective support to those who open up to them.
Could our coaching program be for you? Book a free 30-minute session to help you decide.